food - Famiglia Contadina Orto degli Ulivi - Massa e Cozzile, Toscana

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Troppa carne secondo me non fa bene.

Troppa carne secondo me non fa bene.

Forse questa tavola è indice di benessere, nonostante ciò mi sembra però opportuno cominciare una felice decrescita perchè avanti così non ci resterà che mangiarci a vicenda.Voi che ne dite? p.s.: Grazie a Ste per la dritta


Today, we picked up lots of sticks in the olive grove so Alessandro could cut the tall grass. That was our main activity for the day, then we walked to the coop to buy some lemon popsicles. And gelato. We love gelato. We had to walk back fast so the ice cream wouldnt...


The weekend came so quickly! Today we worked on the goat pen, fed the animals, and cut some excess branches off olive trees. The sun sapped our energy, so we took a nap after lunch. We ate multo buono food and had fun watching the children. Tomorrow, we plan to...

day 2!

Today we continued working on the fence and began construction on a pen that will hold two baby goats. Also, we watered the vegetables and fed some of the animals. The weather was beautiful, as usual. For dinner, we went to the Villa next door and ate some delicious...

Our first couple of days

This is the first time we have ever wwoofed..and so far it is one of our favorite experiences. Before arriving at the farm, we stayed in Rome for 5 days. It was very beautiful and great for historic sightseeing, but it did not have the same beauty as the farm. Here at...